SE22 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SE22 8 is a postcode sector in Southwark, UK. Below is a complete list of SE22 8 Postcodes (Active). SE22 8 postcode sector comprises of 214 active postcodes. SE22 8 sector has a population of 10864, and it has 4488 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SE22 8 postcode sector

SE22 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10864
Addresses / Property Count 4488
Active Postcodes 214
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of SE22 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 214 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SE22 8AA 51.46386900 -0.08336900 23 57 533239 175619
SE22 8AB 51.46539700 -0.08288400 N/A N/A 533268 175790
SE22 8AD 51.46418100 -0.08273400 33 93 533282 175655
SE22 8AE 51.46461500 -0.08231200 28 81 533310 175704
SE22 8AF 51.46497000 -0.08203800 20 67 533328 175744
SE22 8AG 51.46495400 -0.08108900 57 125 533394 175744
SE22 8AH 51.46461200 -0.08160700 N/A N/A 533359 175705
SE22 8AL 51.46402000 -0.08058100 50 111 533432 175641
SE22 8AN 51.46368600 -0.08108400 54 91 533398 175603
SE22 8AP 51.46388000 -0.08247300 32 82 533301 175622
SE22 8AQ 51.46459300 -0.08097400 27 60 533403 175704
SE22 8AR 51.46385100 -0.08182600 12 38 533346 175620
SE22 8AS 51.45704400 -0.07746200 8 14 533669 174871
SE22 8AU 51.46123400 -0.07627800 N/A N/A 533739 175339
SE22 8AW 51.46395800 -0.08228200 22 55 533314 175631
SE22 8AZ 51.44248900 -0.06509400 N/A N/A 534571 173275
SE22 8BB 51.46196400 -0.08510400 N/A N/A 533124 175404
SE22 8BD 51.46189500 -0.08369300 N/A N/A 533222 175399
SE22 8BE 51.46205300 -0.08119900 2 2 533395 175421
SE22 8BF 51.46470100 -0.08320100 15 44 533248 175712
SE22 8BG 51.46324900 -0.08122100 N/A N/A 533390 175554
SE22 8BH 51.46218600 -0.08061500 1 1 533435 175437
SE22 8BJ 51.46232600 -0.08036400 15 44 533452 175453
SE22 8BL 51.46276100 -0.08002900 15 44 533474 175502
SE22 8BN 51.46329300 -0.07958900 15 27 533503 175562
SE22 8BP 51.46427400 -0.07963400 36 90 533497 175671
SE22 8BQ 51.46398800 -0.08352200 N/A N/A 533228 175632
SE22 8BS 51.46396700 -0.08009400 22 68 533466 175636
SE22 8BT 51.46364000 -0.07987700 31 82 533482 175600
SE22 8BU 51.46314300 -0.08027200 43 117 533456 175544
SE22 8BW 51.46340000 -0.07952700 15 39 533507 175574
SE22 8BX 51.46289300 -0.08039800 28 80 533448 175516
SE22 8BY 51.46247700 -0.08084700 36 101 533418 175469
SE22 8BZ 51.46247700 -0.08084700 50 160 533418 175469
SE22 8DA 51.46222100 -0.07891400 23 55 533553 175444
SE22 8DB 51.46358200 -0.08129000 27 53 533384 175591
SE22 8DD 51.46356400 -0.08185200 37 108 533345 175588
SE22 8DE 51.46133000 -0.08160100 55 130 533369 175340
SE22 8DF 51.46283200 -0.07882000 66 142 533558 175512
SE22 8DJ 51.45993200 -0.08248000 37 86 533312 175183
SE22 8DL 51.45995700 -0.08288200 39 94 533284 175185
SE22 8DN 51.45895600 -0.08380200 13 28 533223 175072
SE22 8DP 51.45974100 -0.08340900 18 45 533248 175160
SE22 8DQ 51.46012400 -0.08319100 12 27 533262 175203
SE22 8DR 51.46065700 -0.07569800 10 20 533781 175276
SE22 8DT 51.46105000 -0.07658800 134 178 533718 175318
SE22 8DU 51.46038100 -0.08410200 29 73 533198 175230
SE22 8DW 51.46010700 -0.08384000 15 32 533217 175200
SE22 8DX 51.46044300 -0.07791200 41 129 533628 175248
SE22 8DY 51.46131700 -0.07862100 17 41 533576 175344
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